Lead Supervisor / Assistant Principal: Free Will Academy
I was raised in Shafter, California and am a member of Shafter Free Will Baptist Church. I was a student attending Free Will Christian Academy, from its opening in 1979 until I graduated in 1989. After college and a few years of pursuing other interests, including having 3 children, the Lord led me back to teaching at FWCA. In 2005 I started as the K3-K4 teacher and every year after, God saw fit to move me up a class and taught me more. In 2008 God opened the door for me to become Lead Supervisor/Assistant Principal. I love every minute of my job, my ministry, my calling. Every student, family and situation is a learning and loving experience for me. I have been blessed by the amazing children that God has allowed me to spend my days with and honored that the parents allow me to be a part of these children’s lives.